The lights go out

The moment the lights go out
and I unfold my legs under the sheets,
I long to feel you beside me.
I wrap my arms around sweatshirts and old stuffed animals,
or I stretch my limbs to cover every possible inch of the bed.
No position seems to replace your presence


I shut my eyes and imagine your breathing
my ear to your chest,
your heart beating softly but surely,
my cheek nuzzled into your breast,
my arms wrapped around your belly.
The feeling of your skin comes back to me
soft, warm, unscathed.
I long to feel your lips press into my forehead,
your hands brush through my hair


Every morning I wake up on your side of the bed.
Your pillow isn’t nearly as comfortable as mine
but I stay there as I drift in and out
and the morning light wafts in.
One day closer to being in your arms
